
空間美學室內裝修有限公司  Aesthetic of Space Design Co., Ltd.

陳鵬旭  Peng-Hsu  Chen / 王文煒  Willie Wang




■從心歸零– 以「歸零」之謙卑心態,內化並實踐直樸的生活智慧。




Witness the power of “0”: no boundaries exist in status zero.

Zero is not just a digit or symbol. “0” = “infinite” and means unlimited virtue and beauty. “0” is a circle that keeps on circling, and everything starts from 0. Redefine the design of space without framed boundaries. Everything is possible at the zero boundary status.

■ Starting from zero – internalize and fulfill simple wisdom hidden in everyday life with the humble attitude of zero

■ Loop of virtue – the very essence of resource recycling is that resources can be friendly and sustainably used

■ Beginning point of home – focus on the needs of families as the starting point to create a sense of belonging and enhance interactions between family members and their exchanges in thoughts and ideas

■ Perfect harmony between humanity and the natural environment – learn techniques and tips from nature to coexist with the environment



銜接充足採光,即使人處於室內,仍能汲取窗外日光、微風, 讓最純粹的自然能量,灑滿空間的每個角落。

Bathing in Sunlight: “Zero Dark Corner” – vitalized space

Maximized window size in the living room and sunlight pouring in from the outside are the best ingredients to nourish the power and energy of the space. The idea behind the Zero Dark Corner is to sufficiently usher in sunlight. Even if you are inside the house, you can still feel the sunlight and breeze coming in from the outside, and each corner is filled with the purest energy from nature.



Initial Focus - “Zero Burden” with Healthy, Fresh air

Together the green plants growing in the semi-outdoor balcony and air flowing in from the outside invite us to get close to nature. Take a deep breath of fresh air, our soul and eyes will feel very good. This design further minimizes our exposure to direct sunlight and is both flexible and energy efficient.



Restoration – “Zero Waste” with Reusable Natural Materials

Health restored with all-natural materials (such as wood or glass). Only low VOC boards are used for the floors, ceilings and walls, and there is no sour pungent odor. The textures of the material are simple, austere and restrained to foster a relaxing atmosphere inside the house. The wooden materials can adjust the moisture and temperature levels, and the glass best expresses the emotions of space and extends the coverage of sunlight. All materials can be recycled and reused, and they are all green materials friendly to the environment.



Perfect Harmony – “Zero Boundary” with Peaceful Reading and Studying Time

The zero boundary design eliminates the traditional boundaries separating rooms in a house and connects the living room, bedrooms and study rooms, feels beautiful, and features effective storage functions. With warm sunlight, the window-oriented design of the study room feels comfortable, and the boundary-free design visually enlarges the room and makes it more spacious to create the perfect surrounding for peaceful quality time alone.


    空間美學 陳鵬旭 王文煒

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