Awarding Asia-Pacific‘s Industry Drivers in Interior Design
Asia Pacific Space Designers Association (APSDA) to honour those most deserving for their creative ingenuity and hard work.
The Asia Pacific Space Designers Association (APSDA) is thrilled to announce the soon-to-launch APSDAAwards, an awards program honouring excellence in Asia-Pacific‘s interior design industry. The goals of the awards consist of three main objectives;
- 每兩年對亞太地區最傑出的室內建築師/設計師進行表彰和嘉獎
- 展示亞太地區最佳的設計空間
- 在室內設計實踐中促進專業標準和形象
亞太空間設計大獎計劃於2021 年2 月25 日啓動,旨在尋找室內設計行業的佼佼者,尋找那些具有創造力,承諾,經驗和強大領導才能的人,以幫助他們在充滿挑戰的專業創意氛圍中取得成功 。就獎項的分類而言,將對其進行分類以涵蓋其行業內的兩個不同方面。 「年度項目」和「年度人物」。
Scheduled to be launched on the 25th February 2021, the APSDA Awards seek out the leading-lights of the interior design industry, looking for those whose creativity, commitment, experience and strong leadership which has helped them achieve success in an increasingly challenging professional creative climate. As far as the categorization of the awards is concerned, they will be categorized to cover two different aspects within its industry; ‘Project of the Year’ and ‘Personality of the Year’.
這兩個主要類別都有子類別,以進一步涵蓋特定類別中的各個人才部門。Both main categories have sub-categories to further cover various talent sections within the specific category.
年度獎項類別 ‘Project of the Year 2021’ Category (eight sub-categories)
1.住宅 2.餐飲空間 3.工作室 4.展覽空間5.娛樂與休閒場所 6.酒店 7.零售空間 8.開放空間
1.Residential 2.Food & Beverages 3.Work 4.Exhibition 5.Entertainment & Leisure 6.Hospitality 7.Retail 8.Public
年度人物類別• ‘Personality of the Year 2021’ Category (four sub-categories)
1.設計師 2.設計教育家 3.年輕設計師 4.設計記者
1.Designer 2.Design Educator 3.Young Designer 4.Design Journalist
亞太設計空間大獎獎項僅根據功績作出授予,表彰那些擁有獨特創造力和對其行業的推動與貢獻的業者,以表彰他們在業界的實力與競爭對手的區別,並證明他們值得被國際認可。評審團將由來自世界各地的傑出設計從業者,教育家和新聞工作者組成,不僅限於亞太地區。獲獎者將在2021 年與APSDA 亞太空間設計師協會年度大會一起頒獎(最終的日期將另行宣佈)。
The awards are given solely on merit and are awarded to commend those most deserving for their ingenuity and hard work, distinguishing them from their competitors and proving them worthy of recognition. The judging team will consist of distinguished design practitioners, educators, and journalists from around the world, not limited to Asia-Pacific alone. The winners will be awarded in conjunction with the APSDA Annual General Assembly in 2021 (exact date will be announced soon).
官方項目合作夥伴經理Veron Tan 闡述道:「帶領空間設計企業取得成功可能是一個艱鉅的挑戰,因此,我們渴望展示出和發掘獲獎者的奉獻精神,專業知識和設計概念的推廣。我希望所有參與者在亞太設計大獎一切順利。
「Veron Tan, Project Manager, elaborates: 「Leading a design business to success can be a tough challenge, and as such we are keen to showcase the dedication, expertise and sheer hard work of the deserving winners. I would like to wish all participants the best of luck in their submissions in the APSDA awards program.」
要瞭解有關亞太空間設計師協會及其獎項的更多信息,請訪問亞太空間設計師協會的官方網站 http://apsda.org/。
To learn more about APSDA as well as the awards, please visit the Asia-Pacific Space Designers Association website http://apsda.org/.
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