
大岳室內裝修工程有限公司  Da Yue Interior Renovation Co. Ltd

房元凱  Iuan-Kai Fang




進門之後涓涓細流如細雨落入地下室之景觀水池,以用在劇場的特殊繪景手法處理的圓管,如雲彩般的漸層,平行著從天 而降。外部輔以舞台效果燈光,投射店名字樣於圓管帷幕上,光影明暗之對比,宛若霧靄繚繞,創造空間中戲劇性的主題 與意境。

潺潺水源似澄澈心境,虛心迎入過往來客,而時光長河,亦若水流不止,但有些鑽石般堅固的美好品德,在此漫漫間亙古 常存,代代傳承。

《晉書》中載古代文人年少時期立下鴻志,生活清苦,負笈求學。隋唐以降,書生進京趕考,身背沉重木箱,不只渴求功 成名就,也求回饋鄉里,將其概念轉化成包廂隔間及造型吊燈, 向業主以餐飲揚名立足,不忘恩澤根本的意志致敬。 秦漢時期,以釜懸於灶上炊煮。吊掛式的特製釜形燈,重新詮釋了先人的智慧,象徵渴望與家人團聚,以家為重的心千古 不變。

木質垂簾能屈能伸,獨酌對影或者群聚歡鬧,能時刻自省、各處與人和是君子本質,不曾有改。而以客為尊、因人制宜的 體貼精神,為經營的永續之道。 無數世紀,龍被作為予以崇拜的聖獸,是傳統中國的象徵,傳說其外型多變,藉由不同細節重新詮釋,也是設計者對於古典的再創造。

《Tai Xuan Sutramentioned, there are nine levels of the sky. And there are nine flavors served in this hotpot restaurant.


After passing the entrance, a running waterfall down from the ceiling, the circular tubes with hand drawing like the subtle gradation of clouds develop in parallel. The stage effect lights project the name of restaurant onto circular tube curtains. The contrast of light and shade create the view of wreathed mist, establishing the scenic theme and conception.


The Chinese ancient literati made great ambitions when they were young, they carried heavy book boxes, walked a long distance to the metropolis, and joined competitions one after another to pursue high-ranking position.


Not only chase the reputation and wealth, but also hope to feedback their hometowns. The designer turns the figure of book box into the compartments and pendant lamps.


Qin and Han dynasties, people used a special pot called “Fu” to cook. “Fu” is a symbol of ancestors’ wisdom, the designer transformed the figure of “Fu” into the pendant lamps. The Chinese worships dragons as sacred animal for centuries. The designer interprets the dragons‘ variable images a classic new way.

    大岳 房元凱 九天水
    創作者 設計盒子 的頭像

    設計盒子DESIGN BOX

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