De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel Shatters Records by Winning Prestigious French Design Award 2024, Cementing Its Status as Taiwan's Unrivaled Champion in Women's Health Care Products!


資料暨圖片提供- De Pure 黛芙兒、French Design Awards 法國設計獎


台灣新創女性私密健康護理品牌 國際大獎初試啼聲
Taiwan's Rising Female Intimate Health Care Brand: Making Waves in International Awards

在女力崛起的時代,越來越多女性開始重視自身的健康,尤其是私密護理。這不僅僅是忙碌生 活中的一部分,更是女性自我珍愛與關懷的象徵。隨著生殖醫學與健康保健的發展,我們對身 體的理解變得更加深入,健康已不再是奢望,而是每位女性應有的權利。

In the current era marked by the ascendancy of women's influence, an increasing number of women are directing their attention towards personal health, particularly in the realm of intimate care. This practice is not merely a facet of their busy lives, but also serves as a potent symbol of self-value and self-nurturing. With the progression of reproductive medicine and healthcare, our comprehension of the human body has deepened. Consequently, health is no longer perceived as a privilege, but rather as an inherent entitlement that every woman should be entitled to.


台灣在這波浪潮中,憑藉創新技術走在女性健康護理的前沿。陳沛緹 (Debby Chen) 與陳韻如(Lilian Chen)剛柔並濟創立的 De Pure品牌,正是在這樣的背景下誕生。Debby敏銳地察覺到女性對私密護理的需求,並致力於推展一款貼心且高效的產品,這便是De Pure私密精萃凝膠。它不僅是一款產品,更是每 位女性自信健康生活的夥伴,提供身心的全面呵護。De Pure在設計與實用性上的突破,為其 贏得了國際設計競賽-法國設計大獎French Design Awards的肯定。

Taiwan has established itself as a pioneer in women's healthcare through the utilization of cutting-edge technology. This environment set the stage for the establishment of the De Pure brand, co-founded by Debby Chen and Lilian Chen. Debby, recognizing the essential need for intimate care among women, dedicated herself to introducing the De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel—a product designed to be more than a mere commodity, but rather a supportive companion enabling every woman to lead a confident and healthy lifestyle. De Pure, exceeding the confines of a typical product, endeavors to be a partner in fostering the confident and healthy lifestyle of every woman, offering comprehensive care for both body and mind. The brand's remarkable achievements in design and practicality have garnered prestigious recognition at the French Design Awards, an esteemed international design competition.


科研配方全心鑽研 國際認證嚴格把關
Formula Development: International Certifications and Strict Criteria

De Pure在產品研發中堅守著最嚴苛的安全標準,細心呵護每位女性。她深知私密處的脆弱,因此選擇了最純淨的成分,杜絕任何可能對身體有害的物質。Parabens、防腐劑等可能滲透皮膚、干擾內分泌的成分被排除在外,而ISLS/ALS 這類具有脫色特性的成分也未曾出現在配方中。此外,De Pure不含酒精、人工色素、香料等常見刺激性成分,以避免過敏或乾燥問題的發生。她甚至捨棄了藥物和化學殺菌劑,因為她希望為女性打造一個健康、自然的私密環境,而不是讓肌膚承受更多炎症與抗藥性的風險。

De Pure upholds the most stringent safety standards in formulating its products, prioritizing the well-being of every woman. Acknowledging the delicate nature of the intimate area, De Pure meticulously selects the purest ingredients while excluding any substances that pose potential harm to the body. This exclusion encompasses ingredients such as parabens and preservatives, known to permeate the skin and disrupt endocrine secretions, as well as ingredients with color-removing properties like ISLS/ALS. Additionally, De Pure products are free from alcohol, artificial colors, fragrances, and other common irritants to mitigate the risk of allergic reactions or dryness. Furthermore, De Pure refrains from incorporating drugs and chemical sterilizers, aiming to establish a natural and healthy intimate environment for women, thereby minimizing the likelihood of skin inflammation and drug resistance.


在產品的開發過程中,Debby始終堅持最高標準的把關。De Pure私密精萃凝膠採用經Intertek 和SGS雙重認證的「天然抗菌礦物奈米離子」,有效殺菌達99.9%,猶如給私密處穿上了一層 保護盾,讓每位女性無論何時都能充滿自信、無憂無慮。此外,這款產品包含來自日本知名大廠的玻尿酸成分,能在私密處表面形成一層細緻的防護膜,減少外界刺激。這正如De Pure的初衷——讓每位女性感受到真摯的呵護,重拾私密處的健康與舒適。更值得一提的是,該產品能將私密處的pH值維持在3.8至4.5的理想範圍,並保證其滲透壓遠低於WHO的建議值,提供最全面的保護。

Debby has consistently championed exacting standards in the meticulous product development process. The De Pure Feminine Probiotic Gel is meticulously crafted with "Natural Antibacterial Mineral Nano Ion," a remarkable substance certified by both Intertek and SGS. This powerful formulation exhibits an impressive 99.9% efficacy in sterilizing bacteria, acting as an impenetrable shield for the intimate area, ensuring that every woman feels confidently secure at all times. Moreover, this exceptional product integrates meticulously selected hyaluronic acid ingredients from a renowned Japanese manufacturer, capable of delicately enveloping the intimate area, and reducing external irritation, all in alignment with De Pure's core mission of offering heartfelt care and restoring the vitality and comfort of intimate parts. In addition, De Pure diligently maintains the pH balance of the intimate area within the optimal range of 3.8 to 4.5, while also ensuring that the penetration pressure remains well below the WHO's recommended value, thus providing the most comprehensive protection available.


De Pure 攜手人類健康 產業共好的真正純粹
De Pure: Uniting for Human Health - Embracing True Industry Purity for Good

在2024年法國設計獎的舞台上,Debby感受到的榮幸與驕傲不僅源於她的獲獎,更因為她能 與來自澳洲雪梨的AI MEDI SCAN皮膚癌居家精準監測系統、台灣品牌Aquapod Jacana 電子環保吸管等創新產品同台競爭,並列銀獎。這些優秀的作品不只代表著當前健康護理領域的前沿思維, 更是在為未來的美好藍圖鋪陳道路。

At the prestigious 2024 French Design Awards, Debby experienced a profound sense of honor and pride as she accepted the Silver Award and stood alongside groundbreaking products like the AI MEDI SCAN skin cancer home monitoring system from Sydney, Australia, and the Aquapod Jacana electronic eco-friendly straw from Taiwan. These remarkable innovations not only embody the forefront of healthcare advancements today but also serve as beacons for a brighter, more sustainable future.

想要了解創辦人Debby和 Lilian的故事或是De Pure的品牌與產品最新動態,歡迎隨時訪問官方網站:
Discover the inspiring journey of founders Debby & Lilian and stay updated with the latest news about De Pure's brand and products by visiting the official website at





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