橋 · 空間設計總監鄭騰晉以小潭山莊《海上行旅》作品,榮獲2019義大利國際設計大獎A'Design Award 銀獎。義大利國際設計大獎A'Design Award(以下簡稱義大利A'Design),又被譽為「設計界的奧斯卡」。參賽作品來自全球106個國家和地區,98個不同專業設計領域,吸引來自世界各地上萬件作品報名角逐各種獎項的殊榮。該獎項提供超過100多個競賽類別,讓各種好的設計都有機會在世界舞台上發光發熱。
義大利A' Design的目的是透過市場宣傳支持好設計、創新品牌及優秀設計師,並且創造商機和增加設計企業的能見度。通過長達一年的徵稿與評選,呈現當代設計創作給各國觀眾。
鄭騰晉是一位紮根澳門本地的室內設計師,曾於英國生活十年,並以第一榮譽的成績取得室內設計學位。於 2010 年及 2011 年以創辦人身份先後創立了「橋空間設計」及「Signum」,並擔任營運總監。鄭騰晉從不掩飾他對設計及藝術工業的喜愛,並時常想著要把室內設計那些數不盡的優越之處介紹給本地居民及遊客,讓他們更積極地了解更多關於設計的事。他的室內設計項目包括商業及居住空間,以時尚、簡潔及歸屬感來刻劃出喚起不同情感及促進舒適感的重要。
橋 · 空間設計獲獎作品
Sailing on the Ocean
This interior design plan of the residence, which adjoins the river, manifests the extravagant beauty with extraordinary contemporary craftsmanship and skill that construct the divergent variations of the lines, which are neat but glamorous, in the three dimensional space of walls and ceilings. To sustain the visual aesthetics in the sophisticated lines, the designer proposes the zero-chroma colors as the main color scheme, of which that the applications of white, black, gray and luminosity display the authenticity of materials, while is figuratively reminiscent of the cruise cabin as fascinating as Titanic sailing on the ocean.
The long and narrow public area is symmetrically decorated with the reception area and the kitchen and dining room, the design skill refining the given space condition. The marbles are comprehensively furnished in the house, where the decoration consolidating the black granites, iron lightings, natural and distinct materials manifests the beauty of materials with the contemporary design skills. The delicate TV wall congruously corresponds to the variegated ceiling lightings that tidily presents the unique lines. The Chinese-style screens symmetrically adorned on the wall behind the sofa develop the classical glamour in the modern space.
The dining room decorated with the “circular element” contrasts to the square element ornamented in the living room. The round dining table and the Chinese lantern style ceiling lamps agreeably advocate the concepts of perfection and harmony. The indirect lighting is soft and calm. The wall decorated with the wine cabinet and many storage cabinets effectively utilizes the wall space strengthening the clear-cut style as well. The dark brown wood floors figuratively unifying the space colors both distinguish and integrate these two public areas concurrently.
The tidy lines decorated in the private area are applied in the study room and bathroom, where the contrast of bright and dark colors highlights the delicate quality of space. The dressing room, in the master bedroom, artistically resembles the ship cabin. The color of dark black is essentially embellished in the master bedroom, in which the indirect lighting intensifies the low-key luxury. The great view to the outdoor riverside scenery enhances the imagination to the cruise.
2019 義大利 A’Design Award 國計設計大獎 銀獎
2018 德國German Design Award 德國設計獎 Special Mention
2018 英國 The London Design Awards (倫敦設計獎 Design100) 銀獎
2018 韓國 K-Design Award 橋辦公室 Finalist
2018 韓國 K-Design Award Bella Taipa Finalist
2018 韓國 K-Design Award SIGNUM Finalist
2018 澳洲 Melbourne Design Awards (墨爾本設計獎 Design 100) 橋辦公室 銀獎
2018 澳洲 Melbourne Design Awards (墨爾本設計獎 Design 100) Bella Taipa 銀獎
2018 澳洲 Melbourne Design Awards (墨爾本設計獎 Design 100) SIGNUM 銀獎
2018 美國 IDA - International Design Awards (雙年頒獎) 橋辦公室 佳作
2018 美國 IDA - International Design Awards (雙年頒獎) Bella Taipa 佳作
2018 美國 IDA - International Design Awards (雙年頒獎) SIGNUM 佳作
2017 Asia Design Prize (亞洲設計大獎) 橋辦公室 Finalist
2017 Asia Design Prize (亞洲設計大獎) Bella Taipa Finalist
2017 Asia Design Prize (亞洲設計大獎) SIGNUM Finalist
2017 新加坡Good Design 新加坡優良設計獎 SIGNUM winner
2017 新加坡Good Design 新加坡優良設計獎 Bella Taipa winner
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